/*! jFormPlugin309 */ (function (h) { var j = {}; j.fileapi = h("").get(0).files !== undefined; j.formdata = window.FormData !== undefined; h.fn.ajaxSubmit = function (Q) { if (!this.length) { i("ajaxSubmit: skipping submit process - no element selected"); return this } var R, d, O, M = this; if (typeof Q == "function") { Q = {success: Q} } R = this.attr("method"); d = this.attr("action"); O = (typeof d === "string") ? h.trim(d) : ""; O = O || window.location.href || ""; if (O) { O = (O.match(/^([^#]+)/) || [])[1] } Q = h.extend(true, { url: O, success: h.ajaxSettings.success, type: R || "GET", iframeSrc: /^https/i.test(window.location.href || "") ? "javascript:false" : "about:blank" }, Q); var F = {}; this.trigger("form-pre-serialize", [this, Q, F]); if (F.veto) { i("ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-pre-serialize trigger"); return this } if (Q.beforeSerialize && Q.beforeSerialize(this, Q) === false) { i("ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSerialize callback"); return this } var N = Q.traditional; if (N === undefined) { N = h.ajaxSettings.traditional } var J = []; var a, I = this.formToArray(Q.semantic, J); if (Q.data) { Q.extraData = Q.data; a = h.param(Q.data, N) } if (Q.beforeSubmit && Q.beforeSubmit(I, this, Q) === false) { i("ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSubmit callback"); return this } this.trigger("form-submit-validate", [I, this, Q, F]); if (F.veto) { i("ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-submit-validate trigger"); return this } var k = h.param(I, N); if (a) { k = (k ? (k + "&" + a) : a) } if (Q.type.toUpperCase() == "GET") { Q.url += (Q.url.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?") + k; Q.data = null } else { Q.data = k } var E = []; if (Q.resetForm) { E.push(function () { M.resetForm() }) } if (Q.clearForm) { E.push(function () { M.clearForm(Q.includeHidden) }) } if (!Q.dataType && Q.target) { var P = Q.success || function () { }; E.push(function (m) { var l = Q.replaceTarget ? "replaceWith" : "html"; h(Q.target)[l](m).each(P, arguments) }) } else { if (Q.success) { E.push(Q.success) } } Q.success = function (n, p, m) { var o = Q.context || Q; for (var r = 0, l = E.length; r < l; r++) { E[r].apply(o, [n, p, m || M, M]) } }; var b = h("input:file:enabled[value]", this); var L = b.length > 0; var c = "multipart/form-data"; var q = (M.attr("enctype") == c || M.attr("encoding") == c); var D = j.fileapi && j.formdata; i("fileAPI :" + D); var K = (L || q) && !D; if (Q.iframe !== false && (Q.iframe || K)) { if (Q.closeKeepAlive) { h.get(Q.closeKeepAlive, function () { G(I) }) } else { G(I) } } else { if ((L || q) && D) { H(I) } else { h.ajax(Q) } } for (var e = 0; e < J.length; e++) { J[e] = null } this.trigger("form-submit-notify", [this, Q]); return this; function H(p) { var l = new FormData(); for (var r = 0; r < p.length; r++) { l.append(p[r].name, p[r].value) } if (Q.extraData) { for (var m in Q.extraData) { if (Q.extraData.hasOwnProperty(m)) { l.append(m, Q.extraData[m]) } } } Q.data = null; var n = h.extend(true, {}, h.ajaxSettings, Q, { contentType: false, processData: false, cache: false, type: "POST" }); if (Q.uploadProgress) { n.xhr = function () { var s = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr(); if (s.upload) { s.upload.onprogress = function (t) { var u = 0; var w = t.loaded || t.position; var v = t.total; if (t.lengthComputable) { u = Math.ceil(w / v * 100) } Q.uploadProgress(t, w, v, u) } } return s } } n.data = null; var o = n.beforeSend; n.beforeSend = function (s, t) { t.data = l; if (o) { o.call(t, s, Q) } }; h.ajax(n) } function G(ao) { var ag = M[0], ah, n, u, l, r, ae, z, B, A, p, m, w; var C = !!h.fn.prop; if (h(":input[name=submit],:input[id=submit]", ag).length) { alert('Error: Form elements must not have name or id of "submit".'); return } if (ao) { for (n = 0; n < J.length; n++) { ah = h(J[n]); if (C) { ah.prop("disabled", false) } else { ah.removeAttr("disabled") } } } u = h.extend(true, {}, h.ajaxSettings, Q); u.context = u.context || u; r = "jqFormIO" + (new Date().getTime()); if (u.iframeTarget) { ae = h(u.iframeTarget); p = ae.attr("name"); if (!p) { ae.attr("name", r) } else { r = p } } else { ae = h(''; break; case 3: b.title = !1, b.closeBtn = !1, -1 === b.icon && 0 === b.icon, f.closeAll("loading"); break; case 4: j || (b.content = [b.content, "body"]), b.follow = b.content[1], b.content = b.content[0] + '', b.title = !1, b.shade = !1, b.fix = !1, b.tips = "object" == typeof b.tips ? b.tips : [b.tips, !0], b.tipsMore || f.closeAll("tips") } a.vessel(j, function (d, e) { c("body").append(d[0]), j ? function () { 2 == b.type || 4 == b.type ? function () { c("body").append(d[1]) }() : function () { i.parents("." + h[0])[0] || (i.show().addClass("layui-layer-wrap").wrap(d[1]), c("#" + h[0] + g).find("." + h[5]).before(e)) }() }() : c("body").append(d[1]), a.layero = c("#" + h[0] + g), b.scrollbar || h.html.css("overflow", "hidden").attr("layer-full", g) }).auto(g), 2 == b.type && f.ie6 && a.layero.find("iframe").attr("src", i[0]), c(document).off("keydown", e.enter).on("keydown", e.enter), 4 == b.type ? a.tips() : a.offset(), b.fix && d.on("resize", function () { a.offset(), (/^\d+%$/.test(b.area[0]) || /^\d+%$/.test(b.area[1])) && a.auto(g), 4 == b.type && a.tips() }), b.time <= 0 || setTimeout(function () { f.close(a.index) }, b.time), a.move().callback() }, g.pt.auto = function (a) { function b(a) { a = g.find(a), a.height(i[1] - j - k - 2 * (0 | parseFloat(a.css("padding")))) } var e = this, f = e.config, g = c("#" + h[0] + a); "" === f.area[0] && f.maxWidth > 0 && (/MSIE 7/.test(navigator.userAgent) && f.btn && g.width(g.innerWidth()), g.outerWidth() > f.maxWidth && g.width(f.maxWidth)); var i = [g.innerWidth(), g.innerHeight()], j = g.find(h[1]).outerHeight() || 0, k = g.find("." + h[6]).outerHeight() || 0; switch (f.type) { case 2: b("iframe"); break; default: "" === f.area[1] ? f.fix && i[1] >= d.height() && (i[1] = d.height(), b("." + h[5])) : b("." + h[5]) } return e }, g.pt.offset = function () { var a = this, b = a.config, c = a.layero, e = [c.outerWidth(), c.outerHeight()], f = "object" == typeof b.offset; a.offsetTop = (d.height() - e[1]) / 2, a.offsetLeft = (d.width() - e[0]) / 2, f ? (a.offsetTop = b.offset[0], a.offsetLeft = b.offset[1] || a.offsetLeft) : "auto" !== b.offset && (a.offsetTop = b.offset, "rb" === b.offset && (a.offsetTop = d.height() - e[1], a.offsetLeft = d.width() - e[0])), b.fix || (a.offsetTop = /%$/.test(a.offsetTop) ? d.height() * parseFloat(a.offsetTop) / 100 : parseFloat(a.offsetTop), a.offsetLeft = /%$/.test(a.offsetLeft) ? d.width() * parseFloat(a.offsetLeft) / 100 : parseFloat(a.offsetLeft), a.offsetTop += d.scrollTop(), a.offsetLeft += d.scrollLeft()), c.css({ top: a.offsetTop, left: a.offsetLeft }) }, g.pt.tips = function () { var a = this, b = a.config, e = a.layero, f = [e.outerWidth(), e.outerHeight()], g = c(b.follow); g[0] || (g = c("body")); var i = {width: g.outerWidth(), height: g.outerHeight(), top: g.offset().top, left: g.offset().left}, j = e.find(".layui-layer-TipsG"), k = b.tips[0]; b.tips[1] || j.remove(), i.autoLeft = function () { i.left + f[0] - d.width() > 0 ? (i.tipLeft = i.left + i.width - f[0], j.css({ right: 12, left: "auto" })) : i.tipLeft = i.left }, i.where = [function () { i.autoLeft(), i.tipTop = i.top - f[1] - 10, j.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsB").addClass("layui-layer-TipsT").css("border-right-color", b.tips[1]) }, function () { i.tipLeft = i.left + i.width + 10, i.tipTop = i.top, j.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsL").addClass("layui-layer-TipsR").css("border-bottom-color", b.tips[1]) }, function () { i.autoLeft(), i.tipTop = i.top + i.height + 10, j.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsT").addClass("layui-layer-TipsB").css("border-right-color", b.tips[1]) }, function () { i.tipLeft = i.left - f[0] - 10, i.tipTop = i.top, j.removeClass("layui-layer-TipsR").addClass("layui-layer-TipsL").css("border-bottom-color", b.tips[1]) }], i.where[k - 1](), 1 === k ? i.top - (d.scrollTop() + f[1] + 16) < 0 && i.where[2]() : 2 === k ? d.width() - (i.left + i.width + f[0] + 16) > 0 || i.where[3]() : 3 === k ? i.top - d.scrollTop() + i.height + f[1] + 16 - d.height() > 0 && i.where[0]() : 4 === k && f[0] + 16 - i.left > 0 && i.where[1](), e.find("." + h[5]).css({ "background-color": b.tips[1], "padding-right": b.closeBtn ? "30px" : "" }), e.css({left: i.tipLeft, top: i.tipTop}) }, g.pt.move = function () { var a = this, b = a.config, e = { setY: 0, moveLayer: function () { var a = e.layero, b = parseInt(a.css("margin-left")), c = parseInt(e.move.css("left")); 0 === b || (c -= b), "fixed" !== a.css("position") && (c -= a.parent().offset().left, e.setY = 0), a.css({ left: c, top: parseInt(e.move.css("top")) - e.setY }) } }, f = a.layero.find(b.move); return b.move && f.attr("move", "ok"), f.css({cursor: b.move ? "move" : "auto"}), c(b.move).on("mousedown", function (a) { if (a.preventDefault(), "ok" === c(this).attr("move")) { e.ismove = !0, e.layero = c(this).parents("." + h[0]); var f = e.layero.offset().left, g = e.layero.offset().top, i = e.layero.outerWidth() - 6, j = e.layero.outerHeight() - 6; c("#layui-layer-moves")[0] || c("body").append('
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(f.restore(b.index), g.restore && g.restore(d)) : (f.full(b.index, g), g.full && g.full(d)) }), g.end && (e.end[b.index] = g.end) }, e.reselect = function () { c.each(c("select"), function (a, b) { var d = c(this); d.parents("." + h[0])[0] || 1 == d.attr("layer") && c("." + h[0]).length < 1 && d.removeAttr("layer").show(), d = null }) }, g.pt.IE6 = function (a) { function b() { a.css({top: f + (e.config.fix ? d.scrollTop() : 0)}) } var e = this, f = a.offset().top; b(), d.scroll(b), c("select").each(function (a, b) { var d = c(this); d.parents("." + h[0])[0] || "none" === d.css("display") || d.attr({layer: "1"}).hide(), d = null }) }, g.pt.openLayer = function () { var a = this; f.zIndex = a.config.zIndex, f.setTop = function (a) { var b = function () { f.zIndex++, a.css("z-index", f.zIndex + 1) }; return f.zIndex = parseInt(a[0].style.zIndex), a.on("mousedown", b), f.zIndex } }, e.record = function (a) { var b = [a.outerWidth(), a.outerHeight(), a.position().top, a.position().left + parseFloat(a.css("margin-left"))]; a.find(".layui-layer-max").addClass("layui-layer-maxmin"), a.attr({area: b}) }, e.rescollbar = function (a) { h.html.attr("layer-full") == a && (h.html[0].style.removeProperty ? 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0 : d.scrollTop(), left: b ? 0 : d.scrollLeft(), width: d.width(), height: d.height() }), g.find(".layui-layer-min").hide() }, 100) }, f.title = function (a, b) { var d = c("#" + h[0] + (b || f.index)).find(h[1]); d.html(a) }, f.close = function (a) { var b = c("#" + h[0] + a), d = b.attr("type"); if (b[0]) { if (d === e.type[1] && "object" === b.attr("conType")) { b.children(":not(." + h[5] + ")").remove(); for (var g = 0; 2 > g; g++) b.find(".layui-layer-wrap").unwrap().hide() } else { if (d === e.type[2]) try { var i = c("#" + h[4] + a)[0]; i.contentWindow.document.write(""), i.contentWindow.close(), b.find("." + h[5])[0].removeChild(i) } catch (j) { } b[0].innerHTML = "", b.remove() } c("#layui-layer-moves, #layui-layer-shade" + a).remove(), f.ie6 && e.reselect(), e.rescollbar(a), c(document).off("keydown", e.enter), "function" == typeof e.end[a] && e.end[a](), delete e.end[a] } }, f.closeAll = function (a) { c.each(c("." + h[0]), function () { var b = c(this), d = a ? b.attr("type") === a : 1; d && f.close(b.attr("times")), d = null }) }, e.run = function () { c = jQuery, d = c(a), h.html = c("html"), f.open = function (a) { var b = new g(a); return b.index } }, "function" == typeof define ? 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"scrollLeft" : "scrollTop", g = false; if (h[i] > 0) { return true } h[i] = 1; g = (h[i] > 0); h[i] = 0; return g } }) })(jQuery); (function (e, c) { var d = 0, b = Array.prototype.slice, a = e.cleanData; e.cleanData = function (h) { for (var i = 0, f; (f = h[i]) != null; i++) { try { e(f).triggerHandler("remove") } catch (g) { } } a(h) }; e.widget = function (f, g, n) { var k, l, i, m, h = {}, j = f.split(".")[0]; f = f.split(".")[1]; k = j + "-" + f; if (!n) { n = g; g = e.Widget } e.expr[":"][k.toLowerCase()] = function (o) { return !!e.data(o, k) }; e[j] = e[j] || {}; l = e[j][f]; i = e[j][f] = function (o, p) { if (!this._createWidget) { return new i(o, p) } if (arguments.length) { this._createWidget(o, p) } }; e.extend(i, l, {version: n.version, _proto: e.extend({}, n), _childConstructors: []}); m = new g(); m.options = e.widget.extend({}, m.options); e.each(n, function (p, o) { if (!e.isFunction(o)) { h[p] = o; return } h[p] = (function () { var r = function () { return g.prototype[p].apply(this, arguments) }, q = function (s) { return g.prototype[p].apply(this, s) }; return function () { var u = this._super, s = this._superApply, t; this._super = r; this._superApply = q; t = o.apply(this, arguments); this._super = u; this._superApply = s; return t } })() }); i.prototype = e.widget.extend(m, {widgetEventPrefix: l ? m.widgetEventPrefix : f}, h, { constructor: i, namespace: j, widgetName: f, widgetFullName: k }); if (l) { e.each(l._childConstructors, function (p, q) { var o = q.prototype; e.widget(o.namespace + "." + o.widgetName, i, q._proto) }); delete l._childConstructors } else { g._childConstructors.push(i) } e.widget.bridge(f, i) }; e.widget.extend = function (h) { var i = b.call(arguments, 1), f = 0, g = i.length, j, k; for (; f < g; f++) { for (j in i[f]) { k = i[f][j]; if (i[f].hasOwnProperty(j) && k !== c) { if (e.isPlainObject(k)) { h[j] = e.isPlainObject(h[j]) ? e.widget.extend({}, h[j], k) : e.widget.extend({}, k) } else { h[j] = k } } } } return h }; e.widget.bridge = function (f, h) { var g = h.prototype.widgetFullName || f; e.fn[f] = function (j) { var l = typeof j === "string", i = b.call(arguments, 1), k = this; j = !l && i.length ? e.widget.extend.apply(null, [j].concat(i)) : j; if (l) { this.each(function () { var m, n = e.data(this, g); if (!n) { return e.error("cannot call methods on " + f + " prior to initialization; attempted to call method '" + j + "'") } if (!e.isFunction(n[j]) || j.charAt(0) === "_") { return e.error("no such method '" + j + "' for " + f + " widget instance") } m = n[j].apply(n, i); if (m !== n && m !== c) { k = m && m.jquery ? k.pushStack(m.get()) : m; return false } }) } else { this.each(function () { var m = e.data(this, g); if (m) { m.option(j || {})._init() } else { e.data(this, g, new h(j, this)) } }) } return k } }; e.Widget = function () { }; e.Widget._childConstructors = []; e.Widget.prototype = { widgetName: "widget", widgetEventPrefix: "", defaultElement: "
", options: {disabled: false, create: null}, _createWidget: function (f, g) { g = e(g || this.defaultElement || this)[0]; this.element = e(g); this.uuid = d++; this.eventNamespace = "." + this.widgetName + this.uuid; this.options = e.widget.extend({}, this.options, this._getCreateOptions(), f); this.bindings = e(); this.hoverable = e(); this.focusable = e(); if (g !== this) { e.data(g, this.widgetFullName, this); this._on(true, this.element, { remove: function (h) { if (h.target === g) { this.destroy() } } }); this.document = e(g.style ? g.ownerDocument : g.document || g); this.window = e(this.document[0].defaultView || this.document[0].parentWindow) } this._create(); this._trigger("create", null, this._getCreateEventData()); this._init() }, _getCreateOptions: e.noop, _getCreateEventData: e.noop, _create: e.noop, _init: e.noop, destroy: function () { this._destroy(); this.element.unbind(this.eventNamespace).removeData(this.widgetName).removeData(this.widgetFullName).removeData(e.camelCase(this.widgetFullName)); this.widget().unbind(this.eventNamespace).removeAttr("aria-disabled").removeClass(this.widgetFullName + "-disabled ui-state-disabled"); this.bindings.unbind(this.eventNamespace); this.hoverable.removeClass("ui-state-hover"); this.focusable.removeClass("ui-state-focus") }, _destroy: e.noop, widget: function () { return this.element }, option: function (k, g) { var f = k, h, j, i; if (arguments.length === 0) { return e.widget.extend({}, this.options) } if (typeof k === "string") { f = {}; h = k.split("."); k = h.shift(); if (h.length) { j = f[k] = e.widget.extend({}, this.options[k]); for (i = 0; i < h.length - 1; i++) { j[h[i]] = j[h[i]] || {}; j = j[h[i]] } k = h.pop(); if (g === c) { return j[k] === c ? null : j[k] } j[k] = g } else { if (g === c) { return this.options[k] === c ? null : this.options[k] } f[k] = g } } this._setOptions(f); return this }, _setOptions: function (f) { var g; for (g in f) { this._setOption(g, f[g]) } return this }, _setOption: function (f, g) { this.options[f] = g; if (f === "disabled") { this.widget().toggleClass(this.widgetFullName + "-disabled ui-state-disabled", !!g).attr("aria-disabled", g); this.hoverable.removeClass("ui-state-hover"); this.focusable.removeClass("ui-state-focus") } return this }, enable: function () { return this._setOption("disabled", false) }, disable: function () { return this._setOption("disabled", true) }, _on: function (f, j, i) { var g, h = this; if (typeof f !== "boolean") { i = j; j = f; f = false } if (!i) { i = j; j = this.element; g = this.widget() } else { j = g = e(j); this.bindings = this.bindings.add(j) } e.each(i, function (m, l) { function p() { if (!f && (h.options.disabled === true || e(this).hasClass("ui-state-disabled"))) { return } return (typeof l === "string" ? h[l] : l).apply(h, arguments) } if (typeof l !== "string") { p.guid = l.guid = l.guid || p.guid || e.guid++ } var k = m.match(/^(\w+)\s*(.*)$/), o = k[1] + h.eventNamespace, n = k[2]; if (n) { g.delegate(n, o, p) } else { j.bind(o, p) } }) }, _off: function (g, f) { f = (f || "").split(" ").join(this.eventNamespace + " ") + this.eventNamespace; g.unbind(f).undelegate(f) }, _delay: function (g, f) { function i() { return (typeof g === "string" ? h[g] : g).apply(h, arguments) } var h = this; return setTimeout(i, f || 0) }, _hoverable: function (f) { this.hoverable = this.hoverable.add(f); this._on(f, { mouseenter: function (g) { e(g.currentTarget).addClass("ui-state-hover") }, mouseleave: function (g) { e(g.currentTarget).removeClass("ui-state-hover") } }) }, _focusable: function (f) { this.focusable = this.focusable.add(f); this._on(f, { focusin: function (g) { e(g.currentTarget).addClass("ui-state-focus") }, focusout: function (g) { e(g.currentTarget).removeClass("ui-state-focus") } }) }, _trigger: function (h, i, j) { var g, f, k = this.options[h]; j = j || {}; i = e.Event(i); i.type = (h === this.widgetEventPrefix ? h : this.widgetEventPrefix + h).toLowerCase(); i.target = this.element[0]; f = i.originalEvent; if (f) { for (g in f) { if (!(g in i)) { i[g] = f[g] } } } this.element.trigger(i, j); return !(e.isFunction(k) && k.apply(this.element[0], [i].concat(j)) === false || i.isDefaultPrevented()) } }; e.each({show: "fadeIn", hide: "fadeOut"}, function (g, f) { e.Widget.prototype["_" + g] = function (i, h, l) { if (typeof h === "string") { h = {effect: h} } var j, k = !h ? g : h === true || typeof h === "number" ? f : h.effect || f; h = h || {}; if (typeof h === "number") { h = {duration: h} } j = !e.isEmptyObject(h); h.complete = l; if (h.delay) { i.delay(h.delay) } if (j && e.effects && e.effects.effect[k]) { i[g](h) } else { if (k !== g && i[k]) { i[k](h.duration, h.easing, l) } else { i.queue(function (m) { e(this)[g](); if (l) { l.call(i[0]) } m() }) } } } }) })(jQuery); (function (h, e) { h.ui = h.ui || {}; var m, n = Math.max, f = Math.abs, b = Math.round, g = /left|center|right/, k = /top|center|bottom/, a = /[\+\-]\d+(\.[\d]+)?%?/, o = /^\w+/, d = /%$/, j = h.fn.position; function c(q, p, r) { return [parseFloat(q[0]) * (d.test(q[0]) ? p / 100 : 1), parseFloat(q[1]) * (d.test(q[1]) ? r / 100 : 1)] } function l(p, q) { return parseInt(h.css(p, q), 10) || 0 } function i(q) { var p = q[0]; if (p.nodeType === 9) { return {width: q.width(), height: q.height(), offset: {top: 0, left: 0}} } if (h.isWindow(p)) { return {width: q.width(), height: q.height(), offset: {top: q.scrollTop(), left: q.scrollLeft()}} } if (p.preventDefault) { return {width: 0, height: 0, offset: {top: p.pageY, left: p.pageX}} } return {width: q.outerWidth(), height: q.outerHeight(), offset: q.offset()} } h.position = { scrollbarWidth: function () { if (m !== e) { return m } var s, r, q = h("
"), p = q.children()[0]; h("body").append(q); s = p.offsetWidth; q.css("overflow", "scroll"); r = p.offsetWidth; if (s === r) { r = q[0].clientWidth } q.remove(); return (m = s - r) }, getScrollInfo: function (q) { var p = q.isWindow ? "" : q.element.css("overflow-x"), t = q.isWindow ? "" : q.element.css("overflow-y"), s = p === "scroll" || (p === "auto" && q.width < q.element[0].scrollWidth), r = t === "scroll" || (t === "auto" && q.height < q.element[0].scrollHeight); return {width: r ? h.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0, height: s ? h.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0} }, getWithinInfo: function (p) { var q = h(p || window), r = h.isWindow(q[0]); return { element: q, isWindow: r, offset: q.offset() || {left: 0, top: 0}, scrollLeft: q.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: q.scrollTop(), width: r ? q.width() : q.outerWidth(), height: r ? q.height() : q.outerHeight() } } }; h.fn.position = function (w) { if (!w || !w.of) { return j.apply(this, arguments) } w = h.extend({}, w); var x, t, r, v, q, y, s = h(w.of), p = h.position.getWithinInfo(w.within), z = h.position.getScrollInfo(p), u = (w.collision || "flip").split(" "), A = {}; y = i(s); if (s[0].preventDefault) { w.at = "left top" } t = y.width; r = y.height; v = y.offset; q = h.extend({}, v); h.each(["my", "at"], function () { var B = (w[this] || "").split(" "), D, C; if (B.length === 1) { B = g.test(B[0]) ? B.concat(["center"]) : k.test(B[0]) ? ["center"].concat(B) : ["center", "center"] } B[0] = g.test(B[0]) ? B[0] : "center"; B[1] = k.test(B[1]) ? B[1] : "center"; D = a.exec(B[0]); C = a.exec(B[1]); A[this] = [D ? D[0] : 0, C ? C[0] : 0]; w[this] = [o.exec(B[0])[0], o.exec(B[1])[0]] }); if (u.length === 1) { u[1] = u[0] } if (w.at[0] === "right") { q.left += t } else { if (w.at[0] === "center") { q.left += t / 2 } } if (w.at[1] === "bottom") { q.top += r } else { if (w.at[1] === "center") { q.top += r / 2 } } x = c(A.at, t, r); q.left += x[0]; q.top += x[1]; return this.each(function () { var C, L, E = h(this), G = E.outerWidth(), D = E.outerHeight(), F = l(this, "marginLeft"), B = l(this, "marginTop"), K = G + F + l(this, "marginRight") + z.width, J = D + B + l(this, "marginBottom") + z.height, H = h.extend({}, q), I = c(A.my, E.outerWidth(), E.outerHeight()); if (w.my[0] === "right") { H.left -= G } else { if (w.my[0] === "center") { H.left -= G / 2 } } if (w.my[1] === "bottom") { H.top -= D } else { if (w.my[1] === "center") { H.top -= D / 2 } } H.left += I[0]; H.top += I[1]; if (!h.support.offsetFractions) { H.left = b(H.left); H.top = b(H.top) } C = {marginLeft: F, marginTop: B}; h.each(["left", "top"], function (N, M) { if (h.ui.position[u[N]]) { h.ui.position[u[N]][M](H, { targetWidth: t, targetHeight: r, elemWidth: G, elemHeight: D, collisionPosition: C, collisionWidth: K, collisionHeight: J, offset: [x[0] + I[0], x[1] + I[1]], my: w.my, at: w.at, within: p, elem: E }) } }); if (w.using) { L = function (P) { var R = v.left - H.left, O = R + t - G, Q = v.top - H.top, N = Q + r - D, M = { target: {element: s, left: v.left, top: v.top, width: t, height: r}, element: {element: E, left: H.left, top: H.top, width: G, height: D}, horizontal: O < 0 ? "left" : R > 0 ? "right" : "center", vertical: N < 0 ? "top" : Q > 0 ? "bottom" : "middle" }; if (t < G && f(R + O) < t) { M.horizontal = "center" } if (r < D && f(Q + N) < r) { M.vertical = "middle" } if (n(f(R), f(O)) > n(f(Q), f(N))) { M.important = "horizontal" } else { M.important = "vertical" } w.using.call(this, P, M) } } E.offset(h.extend(H, {using: L})) }) }; h.ui.position = { fit: { left: function (q, p) { var x = p.within, s = x.isWindow ? x.scrollLeft : x.offset.left, u = x.width, r = q.left - p.collisionPosition.marginLeft, t = s - r, w = r + p.collisionWidth - u - s, v; if (p.collisionWidth > u) { if (t > 0 && w <= 0) { v = q.left + t + p.collisionWidth - u - s; q.left += t - v } else { if (w > 0 && t <= 0) { q.left = s } else { if (t > w) { q.left = s + u - p.collisionWidth } else { q.left = s } } } } else { if (t > 0) { q.left += t } else { if (w > 0) { q.left -= w } else { q.left = n(q.left - r, q.left) } } } }, top: function (p, x) { var w = x.within, t = w.isWindow ? w.scrollTop : w.offset.top, u = x.within.height, r = p.top - x.collisionPosition.marginTop, s = t - r, q = r + x.collisionHeight - u - t, v; if (x.collisionHeight > u) { if (s > 0 && q <= 0) { v = p.top + s + x.collisionHeight - u - t; p.top += s - v } else { if (q > 0 && s <= 0) { p.top = t } else { if (s > q) { p.top = t + u - x.collisionHeight } else { p.top = t } } } } else { if (s > 0) { p.top += s } else { if (q > 0) { p.top -= q } else { p.top = n(p.top - r, p.top) } } } } }, flip: { left: function (s, r) { var q = r.within, w = q.offset.left + q.scrollLeft, A = q.width, C = q.isWindow ? q.scrollLeft : q.offset.left, t = s.left - r.collisionPosition.marginLeft, x = t - C, B = t + r.collisionWidth - A - C, v = r.my[0] === "left" ? -r.elemWidth : r.my[0] === "right" ? r.elemWidth : 0, y = r.at[0] === "left" ? r.targetWidth : r.at[0] === "right" ? -r.targetWidth : 0, p = -2 * r.offset[0], z, u; if (x < 0) { z = s.left + v + y + p + r.collisionWidth - A - w; if (z < 0 || z < f(x)) { s.left += v + y + p } } else { if (B > 0) { u = s.left - r.collisionPosition.marginLeft + v + y + p - C; if (u > 0 || f(u) < B) { s.left += v + y + p } } } }, top: function (r, q) { var p = q.within, z = p.offset.top + p.scrollTop, A = p.height, y = p.isWindow ? p.scrollTop : p.offset.top, t = r.top - q.collisionPosition.marginTop, v = t - y, s = t + q.collisionHeight - A - y, w = q.my[1] === "top", u = w ? -q.elemHeight : q.my[1] === "bottom" ? q.elemHeight : 0, C = q.at[1] === "top" ? q.targetHeight : q.at[1] === "bottom" ? -q.targetHeight : 0, D = -2 * q.offset[1], x, B; if (v < 0) { B = r.top + u + C + D + q.collisionHeight - A - z; if ((r.top + u + C + D) > v && (B < 0 || B < f(v))) { r.top += u + C + D } } else { if (s > 0) { x = r.top - q.collisionPosition.marginTop + u + C + D - y; if ((r.top + u + C + D) > s && (x > 0 || f(x) < s)) { r.top += u + C + D } } } } }, flipfit: { left: function () { h.ui.position.flip.left.apply(this, arguments); h.ui.position.fit.left.apply(this, arguments) }, top: function () { h.ui.position.flip.top.apply(this, arguments); h.ui.position.fit.top.apply(this, arguments) } } }; (function () { var v, q, s, u, t, r = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0], p = document.createElement("div"); v = document.createElement(r ? "div" : "body"); s = {visibility: "hidden", width: 0, height: 0, border: 0, margin: 0, background: "none"}; if (r) { h.extend(s, {position: "absolute", left: "-1000px", top: "-1000px"}) } for (t in s) { v.style[t] = s[t] } v.appendChild(p); q = r || document.documentElement; q.insertBefore(v, q.firstChild); p.style.cssText = "position: absolute; left: 10.7432222px;"; u = h(p).offset().left; h.support.offsetFractions = u > 10 && u < 11; v.innerHTML = ""; q.removeChild(v) })() }(jQuery)); (function (a, b) { a.widget("ui.menu", { version: "1.10.3", defaultElement: "